Final Project Proposal
Jack Radenz & Doug Kerns
Our study contains 3 objectives:
- The first objective to our study is assessing whether/how much accuracy improves when putting GCPs in the center of the quarry as compared to the outside of the quarry
- The second objective will be to fly one stockpile. Flying one stockpile with a GCP will allow us to get a highly densified point cloud and allow us to assess the UAS’s accuracy of the volumetric estimation within a single stockpile
- The third objective will be to compare image quality, resolution, and accuracy of the stock RGB camera equipped to the Phantom 4 Pro by the Sony Alpha 7 RGB camera equipped to the Trimble UX5 – HP.
The sources that will be used in our study is Doug Kern’s
Phantom 4 Pro UAS equipped with an RGB camera.
We will fly the quarry ourselves and establish ground control using his
GPS real time correction unit. Data
collected on 11/9/18 will be compared with data collected by the Trimble UX5 - HP
in May, August, and October.
- Ground control will be established at the site by laying GCPs on top of survey monuments and positional reference will be taken with RTK unit
- The site will be flown with Phantom 4 Pro at low altitude to capture sub cm pixel resolution
- A stockpile will be picked out and will be flown
- Images from separate flights will be processed in Pix 4 D
- 2 outputs will be made
- An orthomosaic of the quarry
- An orthomosaic of a singular stock pile
- Volumetric accuracy will be assessed within Pix 4-D volumetric calculator
- Accuracy in the 2-D and 3- D domain will be assessed in ArcMap